Conditions Treated

Low Back Pain

Low back pain can be caused by musculoskeletal pain, nervous system pain, and spinal misalignment. Bulging discs, muscle injury and trauma to the back can all be causes of lower back pain. We are dedicated to diagnosing the source of your pain, limiting the symptoms, increasing mobility and time between flare-ups.

Back Pain

Skeletal, muscular, and neurological issues can cause back pain symptoms. Dr. Boyce and his team are here to help diagnose the root of your back pain, treat it with the best possible combination of therapies, and ensure your symptoms are minimal in intensity and frequency.


Sciatica is the burning, aching pain that runs down the back of your leg. It is caused by the impingement of the sciatic nerve, often in the lower spine. Sciatica can range from a slight uncomfortable tingle to an intense hot burning sensation, but it doesn’t have to control your life! We specialize in reducing inflammation impacting the sciatic nerve, limiting pain symptoms, and reducing flare-ups. Let us help you with your sciatic pain, and you’ll be on your way to pain-free movement.


The intervertebral discs located between each articulating vertebra act to hold the vertebrae together, allowing movement and protection of the spinal nerves. Disc injuries can occur to any of your 23 discs in the vertebral column. Herniated discs can impinge on the nerves in your spinal column, creating intense pain and nerve damage. We focus on spinal decompression, reducing disc inflammation, and lowering pain levels to ensure your ability to move freely without pain.

Arm Pain

The joints in your arm are used all day, every day. When you’re suffering from arm pain, every movement can feel impossible. Injuries to the shoulder, elbow, wrist, or digits may begin as acute, but can easily become chronic if not addressed properly. Arm pain can be caused by injuries to the musculoskeletal system, nervous system or spine, and we will assess, treat and prevent pain quickly and efficiently.

Leg Pain

Leg pain can present in the hip, knee, ankle or foot as a result of various causes. The musculoskeletal and nervous systems interact to create mobility, and when one of these systems is functioning incorrectly, it affects your ability to move without pain. Joint pain in the leg, caused by injury or arthritis, can leave you immobile and wounded. At Core 1 Chiropractic we will lower your leg pain symptoms, and increase your ability to move freely, without pain.

Gait Instability

When proper gait is compromised it results in pain in the hips, pelvis, legs, knees, or ankles. Walking is the result of interacting systems that allow for balance, support, and movement. Because of the various forms and causes of gait instability, it is important to properly diagnose the type and root to ensure the correct route of treatment, preventing future injury and pain.

Running Form

Problematic running form is detrimental to the well-being of your body, putting undue stress on your joints and bones. We can diagnose your pronation, analyze whether it is over-pronation or under-pronation, and correct it to neutral through therapy or corrective insoles. Core 1 Chiropractic wants you to have a long, healthy running career, which can only be achieved by ensuring proper running form and preventing injury.


At Core 1 Chiropractic we specialize in treating all types of headaches. Tension migraines, cluster headaches, and headaches caused by injury or trauma are no match for our personalized headache pain management program. We will create the most effective therapies and treatments for your headaches. Together we can limit the symptoms, frequency and intensity of your headaches.

Muscle Imbalances

Muscles work in complementary pairs with the skeletal system to allow for movement. The musculoskeletal system is made up of bones and muscles, and when one of the paired muscles is stronger or weaker than the other, it puts extra stress on your joints and affects your posture. We work with you to correct muscle imbalances, allowing for neutral posturing and properly functioning joints.

Muscle Pain

Your muscles interact with every other bodily system to allow for movement, stability and protection; with so many systems interacting there are numerous areas where pain can arise. Dr. Boyce and his team are highly trained to alleviate muscle pain, finding its source and eliminating triggers for pain and injury. Getting to the root of your muscle pain ensures acute injures do not become chronic, and that chronic issues are treated with the best, most effective therapies. We want to keep your muscles moving properly—without pain.

Joint Pain

Joint pain can be caused by acute trauma or injury; chronic issues, such as arthritis, can also cause joint pain. Core 1 Chiropractic can help you with all your joint pain. Joint pain limits mobility, flexibility and strength. We specialize in restoring mobility, flexibility and increasing strength to the affected area. Don’t let joint pain impede your ability to live your life to the fullest.


Arthritis is a chronic condition that affects the joints and musculoskeletal systems of the body. The causes and types of arthritis differ, and each individual case is unique; we specialize in curating personalized treatment programs to help limit the negative side effects of your arthritis. We will help you decrease arthritis pain, increase flexibility and ensure pain-free movement.

Postural Imbalances

Improper posture is a daily battle, and our incorrect posture habits often go unnoticed and unresolved, leading to a host of secondary discomforts and pain. When your muscle imbalances affect your posture, it is detrimental to your entire body’s support system, putting pressure on the wrong points and producing pain. We can correct your postural imbalances, decrease your pain, and restore proper alignment and posture.