Gait Instability

Walking: Not as Simple as It Looks

Walking may seem like a simple action, but it is the result of a series of interacting systems working together to achieve movement, support, and balance.

Gait instability occurs when one or more of these systems is injured or compromised in a way that prevents proper movement.

When proper movement is compromised, it results in pain in the hips, pelvis, legs, knees, or ankles. Dr. Josh and his team specialize in treating gait instability to decrease pain levels, as well as correcting the problematic source of movement to lower the likelihood of further injury.

If you suffer from gait abnormalities or instability schedule a gait assessment with Dr. Josh and find out how the best chiropractor in Downers Grove can help you resolve your instability, lower pain, and prevent further incidents of trauma.

Dr. Josh and his team work together to provide the best possible care programs, uniquely tailored to their patients, ensuring the reduction of symptoms arising from gait instability, as our office helps you tackle the source of the abnormality in gait itself.

Diagnosing and Correcting Gait Instability

There are many forms of gait instability, and Dr. Josh and his team will diagnose what your specific case entails.

Gait instability means abnormalities from the normal walking gait and can be caused by injury to any part of the systems that allow the body to walk.

The first step to treating gait instability is diagnosing the type – there are several types of gait abnormalities including: spastic gait (feet drag), scissor gait (legs bent inward), steppage gait (toes point down), waddling gate (short swinging steps), and propulsive gait (neck pushed forward).

Other issues in gait are known as pronation: neutral pronation (foot hits ground as designed), over pronation (inward rolling of ankle) and under pronation (outward rolling of ankle).

By diagnosing the source of gait instability Dr. Josh and his team are able to accurately treat gait abnormalities and instability to decrease pain, and limit injury.

When there is imbalance in a patient’s gait that goes unnoticed, or untreated, it may develop from an acute injury to a chronic injury that causes lifelong complications and pain.

Gait analysis allows the diagnosis of problems in the structural components of the body, including postural abnormalities and improper articulation of the foot, knee, hip and pelvis.

Treating these abnormalities and correcting these instabilities will allow for proper posture and the prevention of future injury and pain.

Treating the Body as a Whole

Treating your body as whole is key when it comes to treating gait instability.

Because walking results from a culmination of so many systems, when there’s a problem in that system, it can arise out of trauma, but it can also cause secondary trauma.

Approaching the recovery holistically means that pain is treated from the root cause to the symptoms, ensuring proper movement without the pain that comes with gait instability.

Our customized care programs will address the specific gait problems our patients may experience, and our team will work together with our patients to provide the best treatments and therapies available.

Problems with the musculoskeletal system and the neurological system can cause issues with gait, and ensuring we find the correct source is paramount to proper recovery.

Our specially designed care programs will ensure we work with you to develop strategies to avoid further damage, correct gait inconsistencies and decrease pain.

Schedule your assessment now to see how Dr. Josh and his team can work with you to fix your gait instability and decrease the pain and associated symptoms.

Foot and Knee Alignment: The Keys to Proper Gait

With foot and knee misalignments, the joints suffering loss of alignment can cause gait issues, affecting balance and support throughout the entire body.

If you are experiencing pain from foot or knee misalignment, Dr. Josh and his team can help you. Schedule an assessment today.

If your foot or knee is misaligned, it can incorrectly alter your posture in compensation for the pain.

This compensation can result in further injury, learned bad posture habits, and increased pain.

We will work with you to ensure your gait instability is corrected and any secondary symptoms or habits are safely addressed.

Holistic treatment is essential, as gait is affected by the entire body; by teaming up with Core 1 Chiropractic you will be siding with the best chiropractic office in Downers Grove, Illinois.