
Sciatica: A Real Pain in the Rear

Sciatica, or sciatic pain, is the burning sensation down the back of your leg, often starting under the buttocks and running down to the toes.

It ranges in intensity from uncomfortable tightness, to feeling as though your skin is blistering, or being poked with hot needles.

This is caused by the impingement of nerves in your lower back, typically by inflammation along the spinal column.

These nerves run through your vertebral column, into your legs.

When these nerves are pinched by a chronic condition such as a bulging or herniated disc, or an acute inflammatory episode, it results in a pain you cannot ignore.

Sciatica may also present with the inability to straighten the leg without extreme pain, as though tight elastic were stretching and threatening to snap behind your leg.

Pinching or impinging of nerves occurs in different spots in the back, resulting in similar symptoms in differing areas of the lower body.

Finding a Path to Pain-Free

Dr. Josh and his team are specialized in treating and preventing these episodes of nerve pain, equipped for acute and chronic pain management, and improving the quality of life for those with nerve pain.

The onset of nerve pain may be sudden, as in the case of an accident or injury, or may occur over time as a degenerative effect of aging, or repetitive strain.

Many patients experiencing extreme nerve pain consider surgical intervention, as they feel they are out of options and cannot continue living in such a high level of pain.

Dr. Josh and his team offer tailored treatment options specifically geared to patients suffering from nerve pain.

Schedule a consultation and hear what non-invasive and non-surgical options are available to them.

Before scheduling surgery, which should be a last option for pain, schedule a meeting with our team and ensure you are aware of every option for managing your pain.

Disc Pressure Relief

Sciatica occurs when bulging or herniated discs impinge a nerve in the spinal column; herniated discs inflame when there is excessive force from the spine on the disc.

This can also occur in other parts of the spine, presenting symptoms such as neck pain, arm pain, and tingling fingers.

When discs are compressed due to pressure, they bulge out from the sides of the vertebrae they protect, and into the spinal column where they abut against the nerves.

Our non-surgical spinal decompression therapy allows for a reduction of pressure inside the discs, lessening the nerve impingement and lessening pain symptoms.

When the nerve is trapped it becomes inflamed, and this increased inflammation further impinges the nerve – this vicious cycle results in debilitating pain, insomnia, and in many cases the consideration of surgery.

We perform the therapy by utilizing traction to gently stretch the spin, changing the position of the spine, and the forces of pressure on it.

By removing pressure from the discs, it may also allow the bulging/herniated disc to retract enough to provide lasting relief from sciatica.

Taking the pressure of the nerves allows for a reduction in swelling, a reduction in pressure, and relief of back pain.

Core 1 Chiropractic is Downers Grove’s best chiropractor and Dr. Josh specializes in treating sciatica with non-surgical spinal decompression therapy, so schedule your assessment to find out how your sciatica and bulging/herniated disc pain could be relieved.

Pain-Relief, the Non-Surgical Route

Dr. Josh and the team at Core 1 Chiropractic are dedicated to providing as much pain relief as possible to those suffering from sciatica and leg pain, while minimizing the need for potentially harmful medication, and without the use of invasive surgical procedures and dangerous surgical interventions.

When sciatica rears its ugly head patients may feel like they have no other option but surgery, but if you’re suffering from sciatic pain schedule an assessment today to see just how many options you have.

Dr. Josh is the most trusted chiropractor in the 60515 area, and his team of highly trained and caring professionals make up the best chiropractic office in Downer Grove, Il.

Allow us to prepare a care program that is specialized to your needs to help you treat your sciatica, and keep you moving without pain.

Surgery comes with many secondary injuries and traumas, including localized pain and chronic pain issues – make sure to try all your options before going under the knife.

We offer all of the latest and most modern therapies and techniques to ensure we offer patients the best chance at recovery without risk.