Intervertebral Discs: They’ve Got your Back (Protection and Absorption)

Intervertebral discs are located between each articulating vertebrae in the vertebral column; they act to hold the vertebrae together while allowing for movement and protection of the spine and the nerves in the spinal column.

The cushion-like material of the disc is protective, as it allows for shock absorption, extension and flexing.

By absorbing shock, these discs ensure that vertebrae remain separated from impact against each other.

Discs also protect the highway of nerves running down the back of your spine, and between the vertebrae.

Because of their location throughout the spine, disc injuries can happen at any of the 23 discs within the vertebral column.

Common Disc Injuries

The two most common injuries are lumbar disc herniation and cervical disc herniation, defined by where in the spine they are situated; symptoms from herniated discs vary depending on where they are located – lumbar disc hernias cause leg pain and sciatica.

Herniated discs result in many symptoms unique to their location.

Unexplained muscle weakness, pain, and numbness on one side of the body (usually, sometimes on both sides in the case of bilateral herniation) is a common symptom.

This pain may radiate down your arms or legs, and can range from tingling, aching, to intense burning – this is nerve pain.

When intervertebral discs herniate, the outer ring of the disc tears and allows for the expulsion of the inner portion into the surrounding area – this is often where nerves become impinged between the herniated disc matter and the vertebral column.

When a disc herniates, it is almost impossible for that area of the spine to properly absorb impact or protect the spine.

Non-invasive, Conservative Measures to Disc-Related Pain

The pain of a herniated disc (also called a “slipped disc” or a “bulging disc”) can be extremely intense, and many people chose to treat it with painkillers ranging from over-the-counter medicine to prescription opioids.

When left untreated, herniated discs tend to increase in severity, as the desire to remain as immobile as possible may actually worsen the injury and level of pain.

Patients experiencing this sort of pain my find themselves trapped by the desire to feel better while the situation deteriorates, which leads to the consideration of surgery out of desperation and a feeling of loss of options.

Core 1 Chiropractic has more options than you can imagine, and all of them are designed to ensure patients are not experiencing increased pain during and after our therapies.

By creating a personalized care program consisting of physical therapy, prescription exercise, manual therapy, massage therapy, hot/cold therapy, spinal decompression, and learning proper body mechanics to discourage further issues and pain.

Combining therapies, treatments and the medication prescribed by your doctor, we aim to limit the need for invasive surgical procedures in favor of conservative treatment plans.

With our patient-tailored conservative care programs we are able to ensure patients are back to pain-free movement, while decreasing the need for their medication, avoiding surgery and increasing physical abilities and fitness.

Schedule an assessment with Dr. Josh today to learn what non-invasive and conservative treatment methods would benefit your specific disc injury and associated pain.

Holistic Healing for Herniated Discs

Dr. Josh and his team at Core 1 Chiropractic work as a team to treat the body as whole, ensuring that patients are not only treating symptoms of pain, but their root issues and any secondary problems arising from the initial trauma (or in compensation for it).

By evaluating your injury, your reflexes, muscle strength, gait, feeling/sensation, posturing and more, Dr. Josh is able to prescribe the perfect care routine for your specific needs.

The overall functioning of the spine is affected by every structural dysfunction, injury and location of pain – this results in various secondary injuries and learned postural imbalances that may need to be corrected.

Chronic pain management for herniated discs may seem overwhelming, but our team specializes in decreasing nerve pain, increasing strength and flexibility, and ensuring that our patients never feel alone while they regain their physical abilities and accomplish fitness goals.

By scheduling your appointment, you can meet Dr. Josh and learn what the Core 1 Chiropractic team can do to help you.

We will prepare a care program specific to your needs, ensuring you understand exactly what treatments are being recommended, how they are performed, and why they will help relieve your pain.

By teaming up with our patients, and passing on valuable knowledge, we ensure a course of care that allows for a healthy pursuit of movement with decreased pain.