Running Form

Better Running through Gait Analysis

Running is a whole-body activity; as a consequence, when there is an abnormality in the running form, there can be dire consequences throughout the body.

By analyzing gait and running form, Dr. Josh and his team can help you determine whether your running form is problematic, how you can correct it, and what precautions against injury you should be taking.

Gait analysis is a diagnostic tool for athletes that analyzes running form in order to determine postural imbalances, and joint and muscle issues.

By analyzing how a patient’s foot hits the floor, and running form, along with examining patient histories of pain or injury, Dr. Josh and his team can accurately diagnose areas for concern and potential injury.

Determining Pronation: The Key to Healthy Running

Pronation is the side-to-side motion of the foot when it hits the ground, this knowledge is important to runners as it affects their long-term health and ability to run.

Knowing if you suffer from overpronation or underpronation can help you protect yourself against associated injuries and allow you to enjoy an extended and successful running career.

Overpronation is the most frequent problem with pronation, affecting nearly 70% of runners with problematic pronation, and it happens with the inward rolling of the ankle.

When the ankles roll inward, the runner’s weight is transferred to the inner edge of the foot instead of the ball of the foot like preferred.

If you have low arches or flat feet you might suffer from overpronation.

Over pronation increases the likelihood of experiencing injuries like shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and heel spurs – painful and debilitating issues that can set back a runner’s career.

Schedule your assessment with Dr. Josh and find out if your running form is putting you at risk.

Running Safely with Improper Pronation is Possible!

Underpronation, or supination, is the opposite of overpronation – it occurs when the ankle rolls outward when the foot strikes the ground.

This type of impact is typical in patients with higher arches, which can cause increased shock absorption in the lower leg and joints.

This is very hard on the body and can lead to: inflammation of the ankles and knees, increased ankle strain, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and the potential for ankle injuries.

Inflammation of the ankles and knees results from the higher impact and harsher shock absorption in the lower limb, causing pain and limiting mobility and the ability to run.

We will help you analyze your gait, improve your running form, and ensure you’re able to run long into the future.

Our goal is to ensure you know the type of pronation you are running with in order to minimize instances of injury and pain; by achieving the most neutral pronation possible you are certain to improve running form and safely achieve fitness goals.

Schedule your assessment now to learn how we can work together to achieve your personal fitness best and push your fitness goals, and you’ll see what makes Dr. Josh and his team the top rated chiropractic office in Downer Grove, as we work tirelessly to ensure you’re running at your best.

Maximize Training with Proper Form

Dr. Josh and his team offer all of the best training, therapy and services so you can take advantage of the most extensive and specialized care programs and ensure your running form is at the top of your game.

Our philosophy revolves around educating patients, and you’ll be working with a team to create personalized education, treatment, and fitness programs.

Together we’ll help you learn how to best maneuver, focusing on alignment, proper form, and how the systems of the body function together to run.

Learning where injury can occur and how to actively prevent injury provides you with key information, allowing you to run without fear of taking that one wrong step that leads to further pain.

Hit the Ground Running

We want to keep our patients moving without pain, to prevent injuries, and increase personal bests in fitness routines.

By imparting the knowledge to you about your specific running form, you’ll be able to perform at your best, allowing you the power to keep running and reaching new goals!

See why runners hold Dr. Josh and Core 1 Chiropractic as the most trusted chiropractic office in Downers Grove, Illinois.

We understand the importance of running and strive to ensure not only pain-free movement, but also the ability to improve and push yourself beyond limits you never thought possible.

Let us help you reach these goals, ensure your running health, and allow you the peace of mind to know you’ll be running happily and safely for years to come.

Schedule a consultation to learn about your gait and ways to improve form and keep yourself running.

Dr. Josh and his team have all the tools and techniques to help you improve your form, so you can hit the ground running properly and with the right knowledge to keep you going further.